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Our commitment to managing your information

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1. Confidentiality and Management

Oxford Consulting Group is committed to the proper management of information pertaining to clients and others, and of all visitors to our website (the “Site”) that we collect, use and disclose in the course of business. In providing advice to clients, we make a reasonable effort to maintain the confidentiality of information that we receive. The practices set out in this privacy policy (the “Policy”) seek to balance the business’ and individual’s right to the privacy of their business and personal information with Oxford Consulting Group’s need to collect, use or disclose information for legitimate business purposes, or to comply with applicable laws, or to ensure such laws can be enforced.

Controlling the collection, use and disclosure of business and personal information is an ongoing process. We will continue to review our information management practices and improve them as necessary to better protect the privacy of individuals. You acknowledge and agree to such changes in this Policy.

2. What Is Business Information?

Business information means any information that can be used to identify your company, including your operating name, registered name, logo, telephones numbers and addresses, email addresses, information obtained during the course of providing goods and services, your account with us and any other information that you choose to provide to Oxford Consulting Group.

3. What Is Personal Information?

Personal information means any information that can be used to identify you as an individual, including your name, personal telephone number and address, email address, information in your résumé or about your employment, identification of the goods or products purchased from us, and any other information that you choose to provide to Oxford Consulting Group.

4. Your Consent

By providing us with your business or personal information, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that information as described in this Policy. We will not, as a condition of supplying a good or service, require you to consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your business or personal information beyond the purposes defined herein. Oxford Consulting Group may disclose business and personal information to, and will comply with information requests from, government, legal bodies, compliance organizations, their enforcement or investigative bodies or agents.

You may refuse to give business and personal information and may, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice, withdraw consent at any time to the continued use and disclosure of personal information previously collected. The period of reasonable notice will vary depending on the nature of the information and its purpose to Oxford Consulting Group. Oxford Consulting Group will inform you of the implications of refusing or withdrawing consent, which may have legal consequences or preclude Oxford Consulting Group from providing goods or services.

By purchasing products and services from Oxford Consulting Group you consent to the disclosure of identifying business information and reproduction of your company name, logo, and wordmark for the purpose of listing the names of customers in marketing materials. Upon written request Oxford Consulting Group will conceal/not-disclose your business or personal identification without your prior written consent as well.

5. Collection of Business and Personal Information

We will not collect business and personal information indiscriminately. We will limit the amount and the type of information we collect to that necessary to fulfill the purposes we have identified to you, or as otherwise permitted or required by law. We may also collect information about your business and business interests or your personal interests to better serve you and foster our relationship.

When possible, we will collect business and personal information from you directly. However, to provide consulting services to clients or for legal, administrative, marketing or management purposes, we may also collect information through outside sources such as credit bureaus, government agencies or institutions or through other third parties such as employment and other references, employers and service providers.

6. Internet Service Provider

Certain other information may be collected on the Site through various technologies, described below, without your actively providing the information.

Our website is hosted on servers shared with an Internet Service Provider (“ISP”). Any personal information collected on our behalf by the ISP, such as server log data (see below), is managed in accordance with this Policy and is protected by applicable law.

Certain information about Internet users’ traffic patterns is passively and automatically collected and linked to users’ Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses. These unique IP addresses are assigned to all web users by their ISP’s, and are automatically logged by Internet servers. While the IP address itself does not identify an individual, it may, in appropriate circumstances such as an investigation of a security breach, be used with the cooperation of the ISP to locate and identify an individual using the website.

7. Server Logs

In the normal course of establishing and maintaining Internet connections, our servers automatically log information about visits to our website. Server logs record statistical information, such as a visitor’s IP address and type of operating system, the time and duration of visit and Web pages requested. The server logs also identify categories of visitors by items such as domain and browser type. These statistics are reported in aggregate form to us and are used to improve our website and ensure that it provides the optimal online experience for visitors.

We do not link server log information to any other data in a way that would enable us to identify individual visitors, except for purposes discussed above.

8. Cookies

Like many other websites, our Site makes use of cookie technology. Cookies are small text files that contain a unique identification number that is automatically deposited on a visitor’s computer. These cookies track information during an open session and are stored only temporarily in your computer. This information helps us determine the total number of visitors to the Site on an ongoing basis and the types of Internet browsers (e.g., Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer) and operating systems (e.g., Windows or Macintosh) that our visitors use. We use this information to facilitate and enhance your online visits. We do not cross-reference this information with any type of personal information that is voluntarily offered through the Site.

The use of cookie technology is common on the Internet, and many Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically. If you would prefer not to accept cookies, you can set your Internet browser to notify you when your computer is receiving a cookie or to refuse cookies automatically. To readjust your Internet browser’s cookie options, please refer to the instruction documentation of your particular browser or seek online assistance.

9. Use of Business and Personal Information

We use business and personal information only as described in this Policy or as otherwise permitted or required by law. Oxford Consulting Group generally uses information about clients for the provision of services, including obtaining and carrying out client instructions, reporting and communicating with clients, billing and accounting, protecting against fraud, illegal activities or error, and cooperating with government, legal bodies, compliance organizations, their enforcement or investigative bodies or agents. Oxford Consulting Group may also use your business or personal information to send you newsletters about our goods and services or about industry/business developments that we think would interest you. To establish or enhance our relationship, we may invite you to client functions, seminars and sporting or cultural events.

We regularly distribute client memos, practice group bulletins, articles and other consulting updates and publications to people on our mailing lists, who can elect to receive materials on one or more subject matters. At any time, you may change your preferences and mailing option (regular

If you send personal information through our Site, we will use it to assess website use and traffic, and to respond to your feedback, questions and comments.

10. Disclosure of Business and Personal Information

We disclose business and personal information only as described in this Policy or as otherwise permitted or required by law. We may sometimes disclose our clients’ information to Oxford Consulting Group’s affiliates, goverment, legal bodies, compliance organizations, their enforcement or investigative bodies or agents. At times we may also disclose business or personal information to service providers, inside or outside Canada, that assist us with marketing or other services, including technical support and mailing. We may limit the service provider’s right to use the personal information only for the services it provides to us, and we may require the service provider maintain the confidentiality of the information and to take steps to protect the security of the personal information we give it. Oxford Consulting Group may take any action it deems necessary to ensure it is not a party to, and that it does not conceal, criminal activity, including disclosing business or personal information to government, legal bodies, compliance organizations, their enforcement or investigative bodies or agents.

Your business and personal information may be accessed or stored in Canada or another jurisdiction, and may be subject to the laws of that jurisdiction.

11. Retention of Business and Personal Information

Oxford Consulting Group will retain information, including personal information, for as long as it is needed for the purposes for which it was collected. For example, if you send us personal information electronically to apply for employment with Oxford Consulting Group, we will retain your personal information for a reasonable period to permit future consideration for employment. Oxford Consulting Group may also be subject to legislative requirements regarding the retention of certain types of information.

12. Protection of Business and Personal Information

We use the standard safeguards of the IT industry to protect the security of business and personal information in our possession, including physical, organizational and technological measures.

13. Links to Other Websites

The Site may contain links to other websites. While we try to link only to websites that share our standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other websites. We strongly encourage all Site visitors to review the privacy statements and policies of all external websites.

14. Updates To This Policy

Oxford Consulting Group reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be posted on this website immediately. Please check the latest information posted herein to inform yourself of any changes.

15. More Information About Oxford Consulting Group’s Privacy Practices

You can ask to view your personal information by writing to the Privacy Compliance Officer, who can be reached by email at privacy@ocg.ca or at the mailing address listed on the contact pages. You can request that corrections be made where you can show that the information we possess is incorrect or incomplete. Please note that under certain circumstances, you may not be permitted to view your records, such as where the disclosure of your records would cause security, legal or confidentiality concerns.

Please contact Oxford Consulting Group’s Privacy Compliance Officer with any questions or concerns you have about this Policy or Oxford Consulting Group’s handling of your personal information. We will investigate and respond to your concerns. If you are not satisfied with our response, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada can be reached at:

112 Kent Street
Ottawa Ontario
K1A 1H3

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Protecting your privacy

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